We are thrilled to announce the publication of the report Mission Impossible? The Imperative, Pitfalls, and Innovations in Diversity Management in Media. Authored by Greta Gober and Anna Jupowicz-Ginalska, this report explores the complexities of diversity management within newsrooms across Poland, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

If we take a closer look at the media industry, it becomes clear that diversity is a frequent topic of discussion. But what does it truly mean in practice? As newsrooms strive to stay relevant in increasingly diverse societies, many are turning to diversity management – not just as a matter of principle, but also as a strategy to build audience trust, enhance journalistic quality, and support democratic values.

So, what does diversity management look like in today’s media landscape? This report offers practical examples from selected newsrooms in Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Poland, aiming to clarify how diversity practices are implemented on the ground.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all interviewees and advisory board members who generously shared their experiences and expertise. Special thanks go to Agnieszka Górska and Katarzyna Liwska from the financial section of the Faculty of Journalism, Information, and Book Studies at the University of Warsaw for their invaluable support, and to the Norway Grants – Basic Research Programme POLS scheme for their financial backing.

The English version of the report was launched during a workshop on March 26, 2024. During this event, Greta Gober represented the “Managing Newsroom Diversity” project at the Jönköping International Business School in a day-long workshop.

We invite you to explore the full report and join us in advancing the conversation on diversity and inclusion in the media industry.

Access the report [here].