The project’s good-practice report is here: “Mission Impossible? The imperative, pitfalls, and innovations in diversity management in media” explores examples of newsroom diversity initiatives across Poland, Sweden, and the UK!

The project’s good-practice report is here: “Mission Impossible? The imperative, pitfalls, and innovations in diversity management in media” explores examples of newsroom diversity initiatives across Poland, Sweden, and the UK!

We are thrilled to announce the publication of the report Mission Impossible? The Imperative, Pitfalls, and Innovations in Diversity Management in Media. Authored by Greta Gober and Anna Jupowicz-Ginalska, this report explores the complexities of diversity management...
Publication alert!

Publication alert!

The article “But then the war started”: The value of diversity in editorial practices during times of war and crisis” is now available! In this article, we analyze the impact of disruptive media events on the perceived value of diversity in editorial practices, with a...