26 February 2024, 6:00 pm/18:00 CET | Where: Live stream

Today’s media recognizes the significance of diversity in information as a crucial element for quality journalism that reflects the societies it represents. Unfortunately, diversity management practices in the media often fall short, perpetuating issues instead of resolving them.

What can be done to change this situation? This question was addressed by Greta Gober and Anna Jupowicz-Ginalska during a virtual seminar where they share the outcomes of the “Diversity Management as Innovation in Journalism” project.

Over two years, together with representatives from 14 media organizations in Poland, Sweden, and England, the researchers explored innovative approaches to diversity management in media. During the event they discussed some of the solutions tested by newsrooms across Poland, Sweden, and the UK to promote equality, diversity, and inclusivity in journalism.

The seminar was moderated by Karolina Kędziora and concluded with a Q&A session.

The event was organized by the Polish Society of Anti-Discrimination Law, as part of the Equal Media for Democracy project, implementing the Academy of Equal Media (2022-2024), and the scientific project “Diversity Management as Innovation in Journalism” (2021-2023) conducted at the Faculty of Journalism, Library Science, and Information of the University of Warsaw. Both projects are funded by the Norwegian Funds.

This seminar was recorded live in Polish. The recording with English subtitles will be made available shortly.