Greta Gober disseminated the project’s indicative findings during the 6th Congress of The Polish Communication Association in Gdańsk.
250 speakers from Poland and abroad, 54 scientific thematic sessions, 2 plenary sessions with outstanding keynote speakers, professors Graham Murdock and Göran Bolin, participated in the debate on the future of the discipline of social communication and media and research on democracy and media freedom during the 6th Congress of The Polish Communication Association.
The Congress was held in Gdańsk between 22-24 September 2022, and the motto of this year’s meeting was “Media and society in the era of platforms, algorithms and data”. The co-organizers of the Congress were: the Institute of Media, Journalism and Social Communication of the University of Gdańsk and the European Solidarity Centre.
Findings from the Norway-grants funded “Diversity management as innovation in journalism” research project were disseminated during “The condition of public media” thematic session organized on September 24th, 2022 and moderated by prof. Olga Dąbrowska-Cendrowska from Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce. Gober’s contribution titled “Polyphony and Diversity Management: Paradoxes on the example of public service media in Great Britain and Sweden” developed the concept of diversity as polyphony in managing diversity in journalism (Trittin-Ulbrich & Schoeneborn 2017). The presentation included indicative results of in-depth interviews with management representatives and journalists from Swedish and British public service media organizations (SVT, SR, Channel 4, BBC). Using the theory and the concept of polyphony, Gober asked to what extent the public media in Great Britain and Sweden react to socio-cultural and technological changes as well as organizational barriers related to them, with a shift towards diversity (and diversity management).
During the Congress, a meeting of the project team of “Diversity management as innovation in journalism” project was also organized.
Trittin, H., & Schoeneborn, D. (2017). Diversity as Polyphony: Reconceptualizing Diversity Management from a Communication-Centered Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 144(2): 305–322.
To see the full programme of the Congress, follow this link.
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